
Plans for Journalism course.

Making videogames widely accessible  For this I need to: Gather Statistics for the number of disabled gamers, then categorise each under their specific disability. I.E Visually impaired, muscle atrophy, audio impairments.  Create graphs and conduct interviews with the D.G community on what they feel helps them to interact with games media (such as subtitle options) currently available, investigate how common these features are and discuss what they feel is missing from the industry on the whole.  Stick primarily to software adjustments, mention the hardware development, such as Microsoft's adapt controller, but this will be focused around the basic fixes already in use by a number of developers, that is yet to reach the mainstream development cycle.  Speak to the charities in London in order to develop a network of potential interviewees.  Aim for the project:  - My primary goal is to research the available Accessibility features, how they affect the disabled communit


Task 1 - Understand single camera productions Tutorial videos: This is the YouTube link to my tutorial video on shot types and camera angles.   Part B   – Preparing a pitch Proposal - My film 'Desperation' is a post apocalyptic movie featuring the plight of two brothers on their way to a sanctuary. The eldest brother, formerly the provider for the pair, was recently wounded in a raid, leaving the youngest to lead them to the safety of a compound in the hopes of getting his brother the medical attention he so desperately needs. Concerned only with the well being of his brother, Mark fails to notice the signs that they are not alone in the wilderness. With the film being based around two young adults trying to make a life in the post apocalypse, I believe that my film works well for a young adult audience, 15-21. - The film requires us to film in a woods and will not neces

Future of Film and TV. Poster.

The hierarchy of a media production. Producer: The producer’s job is to oversee the entire production, they will seek out funding for the project, hire directors and have a hand in marketing, writing and casting. The producer is the lead on every production and will have the final say on executive decisions. They delegate the responsibility of film making to the director.   Writer: The writer’s job   is not only to write the initial script, but it is also to aid with the production in terms of rewrites, direction during production and aiding with the casting of a project. The writer works closely with a director and may even have some input into who is hired as a director as certain directors will be better at adapting certain screenplays to film. Director: A Director is the person that will be the determining factor on whether or not a project turns out well. They work with cinematographers, writers and actors in order to try and get the best