
Showing posts from May, 2018

Whiskey Nights

Pre-Production Techniques for the Creative Media Industries: Part 2

General Shoot Information crew information : Getting the crew's contact details was a vital part of pre production. It allowed each of us to remain in contact whenever we needed to deviate from the schedule, make alternate plans and organise much more effectively than if we had not collected this information. It allowed me as the director to delegate certain tasks to other team members when I was otherwise occupied, and allowed the production to continue development, even if not all members of the crew were currently present as we knew exactly what would be caught up on and what we could do whilst lacking a member. contact details : This information was vital when dealing with scheduling issues. There were times when part of the production crew were unable to be a part of a shoot, and the shoot day needed to be changed unexpectedly. Having the contact details of everyone involved throughout the production allowed for easier organisation, and I do not believe that the production w

'The Jigsaw' Short Film Review

Following the tone setting title card, the audience is brought to a busy market street, accompanying an elderly gentleman as he makes his way down to an unknown (to the audience at least) destination. The heckling salesmen make for quite the tumultuous shopping experience, and the gentleman seems to be somewhat bewildered by the uproar. The man himself seems rather well kept, and seems rather out of place amidst the seedy salesmen, who seem to have came straight from the set of Diagon alley. Though the scene does leave the audience wondering why a simple market is so absurdly hostile, it does a good job to give the audience an insight into the protagonist, as even though he startles at some of the more overzealous salesmen, it is clear that he is pushing forth through the market square with some predetermined goal in mind as a destination. By having him continue onward through the hostile environment, despite occasional frights, and making it clear that the protagonist is heading to so