
Showing posts from December, 2018

Interview Techniques: Questions

What is your current practice and how effective do you believe it to be? - What would you say your standard success rate is amongst your clients? - -  What steps have you taken to improve your service? - Do you feel that your service could be improved without further funding? - what plans do you have for the future in regards to operating procedure? - Do you use volunteers or paid workers and how does this affect your service? - Do you feel being able to pay for trained workers adds something that working with volunteers simply couldn't bring? - With the money that you save by using volunteers, can you then afford to put more money into helping your clients? - Do you often struggle with staffing issues? - I came up with my questions with the intent to find out more about the specific troubles small charities face, apposed to larger charities. Having visited the charities, prior to recording the documentary, I already had a fair amount of background information on them

Homework Primary Research  Focus groups interviews Questionnaires Postal Surveys Phone Calls Location Visits Secondary Research Books Websites Newspaper News show Other people Other researchers Fliers