
Showing posts from February, 2019

Multi Camera Blog Post

Task 1 Part A Studio setup and multi-camera use in soap operas and how they affect the efficiency of production.-  Due to soap operas airing daily instead of weekly like most television shows, efficiency of shooting is very important. Lighting plays a key part of adding depth to filmed scenes, and most TV shows and movies use three point lighting to add a different definition to the background and characters, but three point lighting takes time to set up, and has to be adjusted between shots and scenes, which of course would add a lot more production time to each episode. Because of this, soap operas will usually have an evenly lit set to save having to set up lighting for each shot. But this leaves the show looking flat and slightly 'off'. Not only is lighting arranged in such a way as to be reusable between scenes to save time on set up/preparation per episode, but soaps also use a static multi camera set up to ensure efficiency. And shooting errors that could occur with p