
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Future of Film and TV

TASK 1 -   Understand employment and career opportunities in the media sector Part A The creative sector: - Director A director is one of the most vital job roles on any given set. They are to be involved with every step of the creative process, and will be the determining factor to a good final product. To be a good manager, one must have excellent creative vision and have good leadership and management skills. -  A director has many responsibilities, some of which include: reading/overseeing script development, and making notes on the creative direction of the project for the writer to adjust the script to fit, being a key deciding factor of the casting process, and later monitoring rehearsals and selecting filming locations. The director will work closely with the director or cinematography to come up with shooting scripts to ensure that the project will align with the directors creative vision. - Salary in the production industry can vary from project to project, but

Scriptwriting Theory Work

Examining the Role of a Scriptwriter - Introduction - Throughout this report I shall be outlining the roles and responsibilities of a scriptwriter in the creative industry, detailing their interactions with other critical roles within the media industry, and how each plays a role in the production process. I shall be going into detail on how a script is developed, commissioned and later produced, providing an insight into which roles in the creative industry have the most input on a production's script and the ways in which they are adapted.  - In the film and television industry, the writer has the role of providing relevant material written in a professional format that will become the foundation of a larger production whether it be for television, film or radio. Any good scriptwriter must create something that engages the target audience emotionally, most importantly it must meet the brief that has been presented to them, whilst presenting their work to an appropriate, pro