
I decided to sign up for this course as often find myself wishing to create something, and put those ideas out there for people to see, but I have lacked a medium for this. I feel that by doing a film course, I can develop the skills required to put my ideas in front of people. There are certain movies that I feel inspire my creativity. The themes present in Donnie Darko often come up whenever I come up with stories. I like the quirky nature of the characters present in Frank. I tend to favour flawed characters over the standard action hero. I like seeing the internal struggle of characters in films and TV, it allows me to connect more with the characters on screen when they are more fleshed out and realised. I am looking forward to being able to work on small movie productions, I feel it will be an interesting opportunity. I would like to avoid being in the movies, if possible. I understand that at times I may have to be, but I would much prefer to be behind the camera. If at all possible, I would like to be able to become an independent film maker, being able to turn my ideas into movies, I feel would make for an enjoyable career.


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