
Showing posts from October, 2017

Music Video Progress

Music video is all planned out, actors have signed up and we have arranged to shoot this upcoming Friday. I'm sure we can get it all done that day. Ordered the suits and paint, have to re-order something else, but I could go without, there are backup plans. 2/4 masks have been made or bought, one's a tad more sinister looking than I want for the video, but I really quite want to keep that one safe and display it afterwards.

Horror Short

For this piece we teamed up with the second years, I'm rather bad with names, so I'm non too sure who exactly it was that I worked with. But the idea was thought up by one of the second years, it featured a man -Ben- in a dark room as he is stalked, so he feels, by some malignant being. It is implied that the camera- when at certain angles- is said being, though nothing really comes of it other than Ben running away and out the door. More an inconvenience than a creature of unspeakable evil. It is more a piece on paranoia than it is of an actual monster, but I do feel these paranoid delusions can terrify a person more than any man with a large knife or gun- fear of the unknown and whatnot- without the horror being outright stated, anyone watching can create their own, unique evil, fit solely to terrify them. This I feel makes this premise much better than had we gone with the standard ghost/slasher horror tropes.  For the piece though, I do wish we had taken a few extra shot

Can't Stop Music Video Plan

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Can’t Stop Tom Raby Pitch Treatment (Background Image) Summary of the video is based off the lyrics from the song “music the great communicator, use two sticks to make it in the nature”. Music being a vibrant show of emotion, I feel it would be good to put that into a video format.   The paint and the instruments are already owned, bonus paint can be purchased with ease. Opening: 0:00 – 0:22 features Guitarist playing the opening riff in darkened room – there is an abandoned house which I am interested to use, but a regular room lacking any major light source would also work – the guitar I would like to line with glow sticks, and perhaps some glow in the dark decals. From 0:17-0:22 as the drum line increases in volume and the guitar becomes slightly more aggressive it might be an idea to add low flashes of light behind the guitarist as it starts to increase, however, as the drumming becomes more prominent I would like to switch over to a