Social Action Campaign Update

The topic of our campaign is on extremism and discrimination. The video we have planned to do will focus on the everyday discrimination certain cultures are exposed to and go into why some people may be turned onto joining extremist groups. In order to create an accurate representation of these real world issues, we are having to research the primary reasons for people joining these groups - this information helped with creating the character bios for the screenplay - as well as the way cultures can be subtly put down and discriminated against in media formats. To showcase the prejudice biased media campaigns can create in the general public, I have decided to look at war time propaganda, something which will vilify the opposition to turn entire nations against others. Propaganda posters should be widely recognised and easy to understand, it is for this reason I feel that it would be well placed in the video, it creates an easy to understand real world tie in that will aid us in getting the messsage of our campaign across without having to dedicate too much time to that one specific section - after all, this is supposed to showcase the incidental, everyday discrimination people face. Having it be blatant would be against the true meaning. We are wanting people to think about their actions and how they treat people.

My tasks in the group were to aid with the screenplay and to work on creating social media accounts for the campaign. The screenplay has been completed, I created character bios and aided with the overall story and Olivia wrote the screenplay as she had previous experience. The research I had done previously helped to create more believeable characters, giving us an understanding for their actions and emotions. I am still wanting to work on creating propaganda posters, I would like to have an artist friend look at some samples and see if they can help to create some as well as logos for separate groups to be used on the social media. I have postponed the creation of the social media accounts as I would like to create the decals for it first. As we are not using the social media to directly promote the campaign but more to get people doing online surveys and voting for their own particular style to get them involved with what will be shown in the video. Having people vote for their own colours without thinking and then having them be shown what this could lead to in the video we felt was a good way to go about promoting and having another tie into the real world. The plans for the social media are to just have the one account for people to follow and vote on. There will be slight stylistic discrepancies between the blondes and the brunette's images though, but that's more of a tie in. And as we approach the time for the video to be released will will start advertising the release date asking people to come support their own.

With the screenplay complete we are starting to look into casting. Of course, needing to have a certain number of blondes and brunettes may cause a slight issue as it is vital for the plot to have 4 of each at least, we are having to pick specific people, wigs and dyeing have been discussed but we would have to talk to the actors themselves to check. The second years have the screenplay with the character sheets and are left to the casting - though we will all of course step in to help but I am getting on with the research for the social media and soon to be designing the graphics to be used. I feel that the campaign is making steady progress and we should be on track to film it over the next month.

My task for the day was to look up propaganda and further reasons for people joining these groups


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