Christmas Advert Analysis

One of Cineworld's Christmas adverts perfectly showcases one of Donald Gunn's methods of advertising. The advert in question chooses to symbolise the benefit; this shows the benefits of the service shown, enticing viewers into buying it.
The advert is targeted at those whom frequent movie theatres, particularly Cineworld. Due to the nature of their practice, the advert has to be accessible to viewers of all ages. The advert manages to do this by using scenes from movies rated '12+' these are commonly found to be enjoyable for most audiences. The character shown in the advert is a nondescript original character, it is not usually seen in their other branding, however, for the purposes of this advert it works quite well, the whole advertisement is targeted to reach a wide range of ages from all different background, by not limiting themselves to showing just one specific culture or personality enjoying the product, it does not shut anybody off. The character does not relate to anybody in particular -though it would have an appeal for children, due to it's cartoonish nature- so it works for everyone. The service the advert is focusing on is the distribution of the Cineworld vouchers, a perfect gift for Christmas. With the advert choosing to show the benefits of the product, it displays the character expressing immense joy throughout the advert as it reads the various things that the Cineworld voucher has to offer. As well as just showing how the Cineworld voucher could improve a consumer's life, the advert also focuses on upcoming movies, not only to show just what people could be seeing, but also to advertise the movies, so even those who do not choose to purchase this 'perfect gift' can catch a glimpse of what they could spend money on to go and see. By quickly editing between the character's reaction to the movies and the number of things that the consumer could go and see if they choose to purchase the Cineworld voucher, it highlights the wide range of services that the establishment has to offer, as well as showing viewers their movie range in the upcoming months, the beginning of the ad shows the character enjoying some of the consumables that the cinema offers, this allows the viewing audience to get a better rounded look at the business model in just a short span of time, and judge how worth it a trip to the cinema would be.
 This advertisement for Iceland's Christmas dessert range uses the celebrity endorsement model. The advert features Peter Andre proclaiming just how great the desserts offered by Iceland really are, the target audience for this advert would most likely be for middle aged women, typically the person who does the Christmas food shopping. Due to the chosen age range as well as the specific celebrity who is endorsing the product, the creators of the advert would most likely aim to air the advertisement in between the gaps of shows such as: x factor, coronation street and Emmerdale. This is because, typically, the general audience that watches those shows tend to fit in with the 30-50 age range and will be likely to shop at Iceland. Having the celebrity personality show off just how tasty the food is, could encourage a number of people to down to the shop and do their Christmas shopping at Iceland, as well as having the celebrity focus on how good the quality of the food is, the advert also has the cheap prices on show, something which the brand is well known for. The food in the advert is specifically designed to look as good as it possibly can, everything looks fresh and perfect, the cross sections are there to show how good the food looks on the inside, all of these are methods of persuasion used to enjoin people to shop at the store, done using the method of ethos.

M&S' 2017 Christmas advert uses the exemplary story method of advertising their stores; They use a pathos themed marketing scheme, this is used as the advert features a children's movie character; Paddington Bear. The narrative of the story is that the innocent Paddington Bear- a stand in for the M&S brand- is able to make the dark nights better, to bring a little bit of joy Into everyone's lives, even those who may have strayed from the right path. M&S displays itself as a family friendly business, fit for all audiences, this can be seen as throughout the advert, Paddington and the faux Santa are shown distributing presents to families of all different ages and backgrounds. The creators of this advert would most likely aim to show this during the ad breaks for television shows befitting of all ages, such as: come dine with me, great British bake off, and many other things that can be featured on the food network. This is because a lot of M&S' advertisement time is spent advertising their spectacular range of food, though I feel closer to Christmas, this advert specifically could fit in on BBC alongside shows like QI. I feel the target audience for the advert would be middle class families, the characters in the advert appeal to all ages, the children will enjoy the tale of Paddington and Santa handing out gifts, the older members of the family can laugh at the fact that Paddington inadvertently prevented multiple burglaries. The advert both works as a medium to show Christmas cheer and the business' lighter side as well as advertise their brand. The music and the sound used are all Christmassy, the bells on the sled, the peaceful background music and the joy of the children playing with toys, all of these illicit emotions of joy and nostalgia, further playing into the pathos, method of marketing.

Our personal Christmas advert was aiming to focus on the pathos, the nostalgia of youth and the early Christmas mornings. We were attempting to have a quiet, calm song play in the background, so that the majority of the focus was on the Lego brand itself. However, despite our best efforts, due to the limited filming time we could have together, we ended up falling short of our initial idea. The advert that we made did not have enough focus on the Lego brand itself and was instead, slightly vague and was more focused on the story of the father and a daughter, as well as the store we visited to get some shots. The idea lacked the fantasy element that we had initially aimed to achieve, as a result of this, we failed the goal we set out to accomplish with our plan, so we aim to attempt to reshoot the advert, so that we can capture the essence of childhood imagination.


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