Pitch To Create A Lego Themed Christmas Advert

Pitch to create video content for Lego's Christmas Advertisement

Description – The Lego Group is one of the world’s largest and industry-leading toy manufacturers; their colourful plastic sets have been entertaining and encouraging creativity within children for over 67 years. With Christmas fast approaching, they're looking to commission a short but memorable video advertisement targeting the parents and guardians their target audience.


Budget: £0

Age group: No Age Limit

Get Involved - The Lego Group is one of the world’s largest and industry-leading toy manufacturers; their colourful plastic sets have been entertaining and encouraging creativity within children for over 67 years. With Christmas fast approaching, they're looking to commission a memorable video advertisement targeting the parents and guardians their target audience.

For their 2014 campaign in Australia Lego launched a campaign to encourage kids to 'Build Your Lego Christmas'; it was designed to be a brand campaign that leveraged the memories of playing with Lego for broader age groups, as well as highlight the play factor for kids in the modern day.

After three years of hiatus, Lego wants this year to be their crowning return.

THE BRIEF – In this day and age, Lego want to convey the message that their sets are for everyone of any gender or sex. They’re looking to commission a video advertisement (up to 3 minutes) that can be used during the month of December to celebrate the diversity in creativity they strive for. Lego have specific products in mind that they would like to feature, please refer to the product links below.


PITCH DEADLINE: Tuesday 23rd January

TARGET AUDIENCE: Adults aged 18-40


-        Emotive content related to parents, grandparent or older siblings.

-        Authenticity

-        Content that highlights their key products for Christmas or their benefits (see product links below)

-        A connection/idea that ties the videos together



-        Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes

TONE: Emotive, loving, warm.



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