Social Action Campaign: Posters

In the same line as the polls to match the inadvertent mid set that the film will focus on, I made a proposition to create some posters, linked to that of the Nazi Aryanism propaganda posters. My idea for this came as a way of reflecting the real world media that highlights certain cultures in the community, whilst ignoring or only speaking ill of others. Such representations can lead to feelings of superiority and discrimination, in the same way that Aldous Huxley portrayed it in Brave New World, people are brought up hearing it, and are constantly reminded of it, the ideologies take root at a young age without the individual taking time to evaluate it or give alternatives any thought. So for the posters I made some of blondes being portrayed as great beings, capable of anything, and the brunettes poster showed them in factories, describing just how hard they work to make a better world for the blondes. Not purposely saying that the brunettes are bad people, or putting them down- simply putting the blondes above all else.


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