Social Action-Analysis Of Multimedia Use

As the project was to create a social action piece, it is important that the work actually makes it out to a mass audience. In order to meet this criteria, I have linked the film to Facebook and Twitter pages, through these mediums, I am able to post images linked to the short film itself, to not only broadcast information about the film but to tie it in with the other links and pieces of information posted on the pages- radicalisation charities and informative websites. Tying the pages to known sources helps us to have the film and our name push the information and the message behind our film, and allowing the film to reach its true potential of being an educational tool for young adults. Both Facebook and Twitter are commonly used by the target audience we have been assigned for this film, so we can pass our message along, directly to those who may see our film, easily link other resources from these social media forums as many other informative sites use social media. The links which have been added to these pages primarily focus on young adults or parents of young adults, so if anybody who watches our film feels they would like to read more on the subject, they can with ease, using resources created for them, or by asking their parents about the resources available for older persons.


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