
Showing posts from October, 2018

Interview Techniques: The Lift Documentary Review

Synopsis: Set entirely within the elevator of a London high-rise apartment block, Mark Isaacs investigates the daily lives of the introverted inhabitants. Style of documentary: I would say that the documentary was a social experiment. The centre point of the documentary is how people living in such an enclosed space together, can seemingly exist so far removed from each other. With this, Mark Isaacs scales the space down, posts up in an elevator and then proceeds to document the daily lives of the occupants, and how they react to forceful interaction with someone they do not know. Presentation Style: The proximity and awkwardness of the presenter has a severe impact on the documentary, and is used as a key narrative point, which reflects the meaning behind the documentary itself; despite proximity and similarities, the residence of these high-rise tower blocks do not communicate. Opening with an elderly woman, done up like Nicholson's joker, who seems somewhat peculiar. T

Interview Techniques: Louis Theroux's Interviewing Style.

Louis Theroux has a unique style of documentary filmmaking. He investigates the individual characters behind some of the worlds most bizarre and depraved movements. In this particular episode, Louis investigates America's 'most hated family', and despite clearly holding his own views on the family, he does still attempt to reach a more pleasant side of them and tries to get to know each member as an individual, as well as getting to know more about their message. I find this a rather interesting approach, to attempt to put aside all personal beliefs and to try and get into the mind-set of the person he is interviewing. It is a particularly good method of interviewing, as his subtle mockery usually goes by unnoticed, and usually has the person he is interviewing feeling safe in the midst of the awkward geek, which leads to them discussing their particular speciality in more detail, and has them opening up. By using such a friendly approach to interviewing, even with such

Brain Training Stories and Six Word Stories

Brain Training The organ flares up in the main room, signifying that it is time for him to make his entrance. Donning his robes, The Father steps through the door and takes up his position at the altar. The smell of incense fills the ornate hall, candles flicker gently as the occupants wait silently for the Father to start the sermon. Assured that all eyes are on him, The Father begins the sermon. "Family, I have come to welcome you in to the new era, our haven is just a few steps from completion. The final passage has come to light, and soon, we shall be granted divine passage. However, there have been whispers from the impure and the ungodly, that we are nothing more than some deranged band of murderers, and family, I say that we must show them the light. I have been told of the world that awaits us, where no more famine will plague our farms, the plague shall take our children no more, where only the pure shall reside. We shall leave this filth behind. To Be Con