Brain Training Stories and Six Word Stories

Brain Training
The organ flares up in the main room, signifying that it is time for him to make his entrance. Donning his robes, The Father steps through the door and takes up his position at the altar. The smell of incense fills the ornate hall, candles flicker gently as the occupants wait silently for the Father to start the sermon.

Assured that all eyes are on him, The Father begins the sermon.
"Family, I have come to welcome you in to the new era, our haven is just a few steps from completion. The final passage has come to light, and soon, we shall be granted divine passage. However, there have been whispers from the impure and the ungodly, that we are nothing more than some deranged band of murderers, and family, I say that we must show them the light. I have been told of the world that awaits us, where no more famine will plague our farms, the plague shall take our children no more, where only the pure shall reside. We shall leave this filth behind.

To Be Continued/ Re Jiggered

Six Word Stories

Week 1
Fresh needle, big dose, long nap

Wintry exterior, warm home, fresh food.

A fast way to get injured

Week 2

When I Grow Up:

I am Going to Bovine University

The best thing about this week will be:

The increasing chance of the inevitable.

Week 4
When Animals Attack:
The full moon will have risen.
The Uninvited Guest:
Got drunk and fought the dog

The ruined party:

Ben, the Shirtless, Projectile vomiting behemoth.
finally collapsed with an earthshattering boom.
Damaged wallpaper covered in vomit, floor littered with empty cherryade cans and excited teenagers at all sides with one potted plant untouched in the corner.

Benjamin Joseph Humble, also known as "Umble". An 18 year old brunette, with a brain capacity of a 5 year old. A lad that's known for a drink or two, yet someone who can't hold their liquor. A popular guy with brawn and no brains.

Emily's entire campaign had been ruined. She, a young, attractive and intelligent brunette could no longer command even the smallest of rooms. Ben had indeed sabotaged her chances of being the school president, her only option now was seek the help of her estranged ex, currently serving his suspension for his attack on the Winston brothers. Emily removed her coat, let down her hair and proceeded upstairs. She what she wanted, and regardless of the cost, she was going to take it.                 

My outer presence
If Vanilla Ice and Elvis were the same person

Or, to the uneducated, a skinny dork with a number of RHCP shirts, an ever changing hairstyle and an endless supply of black converse.

Inner Presence

Pretty much Mr. T

Rather positive, though a grounded realist. Very laid back, though somewhat malicious (only in a light, joking sense).  Capricious. A sufferer of chronic boredom. A very free style of beliefs, open to even the views I am strongly against.

'You wake up on the side of the road lying next to a bicycle. With no memory and no wallet. What happens in the next hour?'

Waking up on a desolate country road I found myself without my wallet or any recollection of how I came to be in such a situation. However, my clothes seem in tact, and there was no scar around where my kidneys should be, so I decided it couldn't be all too bad. Kidney theft or no, whatever was going on with my head didn't seem normal, so I decided that I should try to find my way to the nearest town in search of a doctor. The moon had just started to rise as I entered town, by that point, everything had grown blurry to the point where nothing seemed quite real, the way the moonlight hit the trees and swayed, they seemed luminescent...


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