Personal Statement

Film has always been something I have been passionate about, and though I have thoroughly enjoyed my time studying TV and Film as a general subject, it has been my time researching for my factual production that has enlightened as to which area of the media industry I wish to pursue.
I am currently working on a documentary on homelessness. I have been carrying out meetings and interviews for the documentary and this has shown me the importance of adequate planning and organisational skills. This is a piece of coursework that I’m particularly enjoying as it was an opportunity to pick my own subject and then go out and research it independently.
During my time on the course, we spent time producing our own short films, Christmas adverts and music videos. On these I worked as a director, script writer, lighting technician and sound operator on my own film, but also a script consultant/sound operator on a short film called ‘Tribes’, I arranged the lighting, assisted with the script writing and worked on character development for the short noir film ‘Whiskey Nights’ and the camera operator on a Christmas advert. For my work on these films, I received a number of nominations and won an award for best scriptwriting. The script that I wrote was developed into a short film and for this I organised a crew, makeup artists and actors, as well as doing my own location scouting, set building, all of my own pre-production paperwork, so I know how to properly organise a shoot and how to manage a crew of my own. I like to plan out short stories and music videos in my spare time. I enjoy coming up with music videos for artists that I like or converting songs into short stories, I find it fun to plan them out and develop story boards, mainly focusing on making them visually appealing, and I hope to develop some of these ideas for my final project.
Outside of college I have started to develop a games journalism blog. I also have a film and TV blog that features film and documentary reviews as well as my production diaries from shoots. I am also planning a project on the lacking accessibility functions in mainstream gaming and how these missing features leave disabled users unable to use most consoles or play most games comfortably.
Alongside college, I also maintain a part time job as a cook at Pizza Express, a job which had me oversee a kitchen crew, train new staff and prepare for events. I feel that this has led me to develop an ability to micromanage, direct, plan, and organise time, as well as help to fund my student films. I am also an employee of our college business, ‘UFilms’ a production company which produces content for a variety of organisations and clients. This not only serves as work experience, but also as an opportunity to network and develop my name within the industry.
I would hope that the degree I achieve at the end of this course will grant me the ability to travel and investigate stories from all over the world. I already have a love for travel, having been to a number of countries over the years, and I’d love to incorporate my two passions into my job.


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