
Showing posts from January, 2019

research for Test Mpaa PDF Softens anti piracy cinema policy MPAA Alliance For Creativity And Entertainment Report on piracy and money lost/gained Reward of up to £500 is awarded to anyone who calls out a consumer pirating a movie No longer legal requirement that theatre owners hand over pirates to the police Effect it has on the movie industry If companies start to lose income through piracy, they may then stop funding the more ‘risky, artsy’ projects, as th

Wealth Inequality Interviews.

Tasked with carrying out interviews on different subjects, I opted to conduct a small census on a small group of young adults from a range of backgrounds on the topic of wealth inequality. As I felt that although it was different from the subject of my documentary, it was similar enough to be relevant to a majority of my research, and would serve as a good opener for the documentary subject of homelessness as it provided an opportunity to showcase a range of views on homelessness held by various members of the public. So although it was for a different body of work, I was able to link it back in with my documentary as they were both about inequality in society and trying to encourage the audience to think further on their own beliefs. - As these interviews were to be conducted with young adults, I felt that setting my interviews at a college further added to the feel that my audience/interviewees were young people and made it feel more genuine. My interview style was informal, inviti