
Showing posts from March, 2019

Proposal for Short Film

his document should include: Title of proposed script A premise for your script Overview of script idea: Identification of the genre, Overview of the story, Unique selling point of your story, Identification of your target audience and how you have aimed to target them, Outline of the three acts of the story structure. Contain a detailed character brief including: name, age, dramatic motivation, role in narrative. - - - Poncho - This short film shall be featured around a protagonist, known in the screenplay as 'The kid'. Opening with his idyllic, joy filled life in the wilderness, shortly after leaving home. Beginning his journey, he shall encounter others who have just ventured out into the colourful wastes, and will share in the joy of the world. Over time, he shall head further from his homelands in the green pastures, towards the woods, where he shall encounter the first of many plights he shall fall victim to. Over the course of the film