Proposal for Short Film

his document should include:

  • Title of proposed script
  • A premise for your script
  • Overview of script idea:
    • Identification of the genre,
    • Overview of the story,
    • Unique selling point of your story,
    • Identification of your target audience and how you have aimed to target them,
  • Outline of the three acts of the story structure.
  • Contain a detailed character brief including:
    • name,
    • age,
    • dramatic motivation,
    • role in narrative.
- Poncho
This short film shall be featured around a protagonist, known in the screenplay as 'The kid'. Opening with his idyllic, joy filled life in the wilderness, shortly after leaving home. Beginning his journey, he shall encounter others who have just ventured out into the colourful wastes, and will share in the joy of the world. Over time, he shall head further from his homelands in the green pastures, towards the woods, where he shall encounter the first of many plights he shall fall victim to. Over the course of the film The kid shall fall victim to hustling merchants, land lords, the cold streets of a developed society, and hunger.
Throughout the course we shall see the transition from the open planes, to the crowded streets of a civilisation, as well as the change from the slightly surreal to the cold norm of the real world. The change in scenery and mental state of The kid shall be the focal point of the film. The film will be targeted towards young adults, due to its darker themes of corruption and depression, as well as its overall message. As the film is essentially based from the young adult genre tropes of  a coming of age story, I believe that it is correctly targeted towards the young adult audience, 14-23.
The costumes for this film will be rather colourful and somewhat extravagant, as through it were from some other time in another land. The merchants shall wear darker colours, and be laden with boxes and advertisements for their latest products. Those from the plains, much alike the kid shall be dressed in colourful robes, carrying little to no luggage with them, though dressed similarly, The Kid shall be slightly more distinguished in form and will wear a multi coloured poncho, the colours of which shall later match the colouring of his tie. All of the workers in the markets shall wear matching attire, all of it rather drab.
Location wise I would be looking to film in a field which would connect to a vast woodland, potentially a beach to introduce a location change/some alternative colours to the scenery. The second stage of the film would ideally be a rural market, but I would settle for a quieter town, which looked a little dated, or a field in which I could try and set up a market (I believe that this would be doable, challenging, but doable) and finally finishing up on the streets of Middlesbrough and a location which looks like a call centre.
As for inspiration, Voltaire's Candide inspired the idea for an optimistic lead character, meeting the misfortune of the world, and George Orwell's oppressive society shown in 1984 serves as inspiration for the depressingly bleak world which will be shown in the back end of the film.
Three act structure. The first act serves to show the former idyllic lifestyle that the kid led. It will highlight the ways of those living on the plains, which will later serve as a contrast to the harsh reality of the modern world. The inciting incident is the initial journey, leaving the green pastures of his homeland. The second act is the initial interaction with characters from the new world and where the kids abuse shall begin. It shall focus on the beginnings of his struggle to adapt and on the differences of cultures between his world and the new one. The third act shall be the eventual breakdown of the lead character as he makes his way into a modern civilisation, after dealing with the daily villains over the previous act, the kid has grown tired and callused, and has solidified his place in the new world. The end narrative points are that the lead character shall lose himself to civilisation and his ideals to the necessity to work in order to live.
Overall, I do not foresee too many problems with this project, the main issues that would complicate things would be for the transitional locations, such as the market places, to show a slightly under developed civilisation, though, with enough extras and tent poles, or regular poles for that matter, I believe that I may be able to build up a market square. The rest would be on the direction of the film and its cinematography, as such I shall hire competent filmmakers that I trust to be able to work with in order to complete the film.
Character Brief
Name: The Kid
Age: 18
Dramatic Motivation: The Kid's primary motivation throughout the narrative is to make his pilgrimage to the new world, as is the goal of all his people once they come of age.
Role in Narrative: The Kid's role in the narrative is to be the audience's surrogate for experiencing the world, he will start off optimistic and open for the narrative he is yet privy to, and shall gradually have the truth behind the world unfold before him, as it is sadly too late.


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