
Heading the duo, Mark mutters about the failed looting attempt of a convenience store. Chris shuffles behind him a few paces back, breathing slow raspy breaths, clutching his side, despite this, Chris still carries the large pack bag.
Mark: "And I know, I know 'how would we carry it', let alone use it. I'm just saying you know, we could never have had a TV that big. I'm telling you though, if this place has generators, we're going back for that thing...." 
 Mark marches along, and slowly the space between the two expands. Chris begins to struggle with the pace and his breathing becomes noticeably harsh. 
Mark: "Oh shit, if they've got generators, man, they might have showers. Fuck, I think I'd spend my first week there in the shower, I can actual-"
Behind Mark, Chris collapses against a tree, falling onto the floor. He's sweating profusely. Mark rushes over to check on him, but Chris' eyes don't register his presence. He stares blankly at the sky. Calling his name, Mark shakes Chris in an attempt to rise him. [Camera pans up to the sky for a transition] 
In the clearing where Chris collapsed, a hastily assembled tent can be seen behind Chris, who is lying shaking on the ground under a sleeping bag. Mark is in the foreground failing to make a fire. Mark desperately tries with a dead lighter to get his shoddy fire lit. Cursing at the lighter. In a moment of anguish, he clutches his face to hold back a scream. Barely containing himself, Mark remembers Chris' flint and rushes over to search him, returning to the fire with the flint and a knife. 
Mark searches through Chris' bag for food, finding a tin of beans, he unhooks a pot from the bag and proceeds to cook it on the fire. Approaching with two bowls in hand, Mark sets one bowl next to Chris and slowly begins to eat, watching Mark for movement. Eyeing him cautiously, Mark rests his bowl on his knee and stares at his brother, his face soaked with sweat, his body shakes beneath the sleeping bag. 

Mark kneels beside Chris and attempts to check his wound. As Mark moves the sleeping bag, Chris groans, causing Mark to quietly apologise.
Mark: "I know, man, I'm sorry. I just have to check it."
Slowing his movement, Mark continues to move the sleeping bag, glancing at Chris as he does it. With the sleeping bag moves aside, Mark notices that Chris' shirt is wet with blood, and the bandage beneath has become worn and stained. Mark winces as he slowly removes the bandage, Chris groans with pain. Beneath the bandage is a large gash from a knife wound, heavily infected, the area blackened and speckled with pus. Mark moves back, slouching on his knees, unsure of what to do next. 
Out of desperation, Mark grabs Chris by the shoulders, searching his eyes for some sign of recognition but failing. Despite Mark's attempts, Chris doesn't respond and maintains his vacant stare.
Mark: "Come on, Chris. Just tell me what to do. Please!... Don't leave me like this... I don't know what to do." 
Rustling can be heard in the distant trees. Mark fails to notice. 
Mark moves over by the tent to try and check the maps via torchlight. Its clear from his handling that Mark has no idea where he is or where he has led them, the trees around the camp rustle, he turns to look but chalks it up to the wind. Looking back to the map, he decides he should go off and get his bearings. Torch in hand he walks out a ways from the camp. Cautiously making his way away from the camp. Mark faces the darkness alone. The fear shows on his face as he searches around the woods for a landmark. Mark checks the map but still sees nothing that could indicate where he is. He hears noises coming from the surrounding trees, growing anxious, he rushes back to the fire lit camp.
Mark runs to Chris' side with the map.
Mark: "Chris, come on. Just point, just point, I just need to know where we are and I can get us there-"
Hearing movement in the trees, Mark stops.
Grabbing the rifle (or pistol/crossbow/knife depending on what I can get for tonight) and crouching by Chris, Mark scans the trees, and sees movement all around him (or simply some bushes move to make it easier to film) An arrow embeds itself in a tree by Marks head.
Cut to black. 


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