
Showing posts from February, 2018

Short Film Analysis: Lucia, Before and After

This short film I felt was more along the lines of the darker of my two current ideas for a short film. After perusing a number of short films, of which none really piqued my interest - aside from some brothers quay and a film based off a game titled 'Papers Please', but one is stop motion and I wasn't sure whether we were allowed those and the other, though it focused on the hardships of life, it just wasn't quite what I was looking for, though would say to give it a look- I came across Lucia, Before and After, a short personal drama film which was described as being focused on a young woman who travels alone to an abortion clinic and is faced with a days wait before having the procedure performed. I felt as though the film would focus on the effects such a situation may have on a person. A woman going alone to such a place paints a picture that this is having to be done in secret, dealing with something so troubling and having to undergo dealing with it alone is somet

Island of Dr. Marvin Moreau

It's the light patter of rain on the window that wakes Dean first. Then, it's the slight chill from where it had been left open the previous night. finally, his alarm screams to life in a whirr of late 60's pop music and red LEDs. It's all he can do not to launch the thing across the room. Gingerly, he moves from the warm comfort of his bed and begins the journey downstairs to the kitchen. He feels like toast today. His housemate, Chris is already there, a mug of hot tea held cautiously between her hands. Steam gently wafting past her face. "Morning sunshine." she smiles. Dean mumbles something back as he reaches for the bread bin. "You've got post" Dean stops, hand still outstretched. "Post?" "Post." Chris repeats "from the tourism board of Hawaii." Post itself for Dean was strange, but post from the states? Interesting. He continues picking up the loaf whilst simultaneously retrieving a k

Task 2 of Social Action

The topic of our campaign is on extremism and discrimination. The video we have planned to do will focus on the everyday discrimination certain cultures are exposed to and go into why some people may be turned onto joining extremist groups. In order to create an accurate representation of these real world issues, we are having to research the primary reasons for people joining these groups - this information helped with creating the character bios for the screenplay - as well as the way cultures can be subtly put down and discriminated against in media formats. To showcase the prejudice biased media campaigns can create in the general public, I have decided to look at war time propaganda, something which will vilify the opposition to turn entire nations against others. Propaganda posters should be widely recognised and easy to understand, it is for this reason I feel that it would be well placed in the video, it creates an easy to understand real world tie in that will aid us in gettin

Pre-Production Paperwork

Finance   The funding of a project is one of the most vital aspects of pre-production. Without proper funding, the project itself can never get off the ground, funding pays for marketing, screenwriters, actors, editors, equipment and many other things- all of which are key to getting the project on its way. Sources of Finance There are various public funding resources available to independent filmmakers who  are wanting to put together a project. Public funding is a way of using other's resources to put to a personal project, but there will only be a certain amount of funding available for those eligible, so there can be issues with public funding. Though it may be more personally secure for a person to acquire funding from somebody else, rather than one's own pocket. In order to be eligible for public funding, the scheme must look at the project plan and determine whether the project is worth investing in, as a result of the

George Miller

George Miller is my favourite director, simply because the wasteland, apocalyptic setting is one of my absolute favourite settings across all mediums, and I feel he manages to build the world in a very real way. The world in these movies feel very realised and are truly immersive, which is a very important detail to me, all of the action and the characters fit in with the world he has created, the prop design all feel reused, recycled and run down, nothing is new, everything is a struggle. Watching the Mad Max films, it is clear from the get go, just how hostile an environment the world has since become, and I believe this is entirely down to his creative control. The wasteland setting has been a favourite of mine, long before I watched the Mad Max movies, but it is down to these movies that it could be at all. The apocalyptic games I grew up with, all took inspiration from Mad Max, they would never have been made, or have never been of such a high, realised quality, were it not for t

250 words

Smoke funnelled out of the towers, corrupting the once blue skies, birds no longer sang over zone 17. Tall-Men patrolled the streets in their metallic skeletons, towering over the roof tops, In Search of any sign of proletarian disobedience. Speaker’s enjoined factory workers to report suspicious behaviour to their section's overseers. Workers roamed the street, aided by their breathing apparatus, factory work was done in sordid conditions, and the fumes did malign things to the lungs. The wildlife channel played through apartment C-137, rhythms of bird song echoed off the dank walls, the So-Light shone a light orange, dictating the time of day. Arthur awoke to the usual sounds of the workers returning home, the wheezing creak of their breathing machines could be heard even from the top of the apartment block. Much as he wished, the bucolic atmosphere brought to his apartment via the radio did nothing to draw away from the deplorable state of Zone 17, the wheezing of the plagued

Video, Twitter and Facebook Links For Social Action

Social Action-Analysis Of Multimedia Use

As the project was to create a social action piece, it is important that the work actually makes it out to a mass audience. In order to meet this criteria, I have linked the film to Facebook and Twitter pages, through these mediums, I am able to post images linked to the short film itself, to not only broadcast information about the film but to tie it in with the other links and pieces of information posted on the pages- radicalisation charities and informative websites. Tying the pages to known sources helps us to have the film and our name push the information and the message behind our film, and allowing the film to reach its true potential of being an educational tool for young adults. Both Facebook and Twitter are commonly used by the target audience we have been assigned for this film, so we can pass our message along, directly to those who may see our film, easily link other resources from these social media forums as many other informative sites use social media. The links whic

Social Action: Social Media 2

To add to the film's message, Amy felt it would be beneficial to the audience if once the message of the movie was revealed, there was the ability for the audience to go off and do some further reading. For the convenience of our viewers and for any interested members of the public, we are planning to upload links to charities and those who work on cases of extremism up onto the social media accounts. Here are the links I will use.  (survey for after the film)