
Showing posts from January, 2018

Advertising Task 1

P1 Explain the ways in which target audiences for advertisements are classified. Mass audience: a mass audience will be the mainstream audience, not pinned down to a specific niche. A product designed for a mass audience will be suitable for most of the general public. Niche: a niche audience is a specific segment of the population, the product for the niche audience will have to be designed specifically for them, model train sets will be designed just for train enthusiasts. Audience classification: this is where media producers will work out which classes and groups will buy certain products, lists these groups and designs their products to fit each groups needs. These groups are: age, gender, culture, ethnicity, culture, income and social class. standard occupational classification: this is where the government and businesses will classify which socioeconomic groups members of the public belong to, their yearly earnings, by doing this they can work out how much money they woul

Social Action Campaign: Posters

In the same line as the polls to match the inadvertent mid set that the film will focus on, I made a proposition to create some posters, linked to that of the Nazi Aryanism propaganda posters. My idea for this came as a way of reflecting the real world media that highlights certain cultures in the community, whilst ignoring or only speaking ill of others. Such representations can lead to feelings of superiority and discrimination, in the same way that Aldous Huxley portrayed it in Brave New World, people are brought up hearing it, and are constantly reminded of it, the ideologies take root at a young age without the individual taking time to evaluate it or give alternatives any thought. So for the posters I made some of blondes being portrayed as great beings, capable of anything, and the brunettes poster showed them in factories, describing just how hard they work to make a better world for the blondes. Not purposely saying that the brunettes are bad people, or putting them down- simp

Social Action Campaign: Social Media

I have set up a Facebook and Twitter page to support the message of our campaign. By creating social media accounts to go alongside this campaign, we are broadening the reach of our message to the general public. Both accounts will be used to give updates on the short film and to get people involved with the message of the film. To start with we have posed a question to people; 'who do you support?' we want people to get into the mind set that we will be focusing on in the movie, the inadvertent segregation that can lead to discrimination if it is left to progress.

Market Research For Lego Advert

Demographic Analysis When creating our Christmas advertisement, the first thing we need to understand is which type of audience we're targeting, and to know this we need to understand the different types of audiences that are subject to advertisements and it's influences. The demographic you choose is extremely important, if you're creating an advert for a toy brand then you do not by any means want to employ grown people discussing adult topics that exclude your intended target audience for children. The same rule applies for all advertisements, if your selling a newspaper for example, and your target demographic are those in the higher classes with higher paying jobs, then you do not wish to market said newspaper as a gossip column that showcases page 3 girls as it's primary hook. I will now talk about the different demographics in detail, and how their particular insight into life can affect their opinions heavily. Age There are certain things you can

Christmas Advert Analysis

One of Cineworld's Christmas adverts perfectly showcases one of Donald Gunn's methods of advertising. The advert in question chooses to symbolise the benefit; this shows the benefits of the service shown, enticing viewers into buying it. The advert is targeted at those whom frequent movie theatres, particularly Cineworld. Due to the nature of their practice, the advert has to be accessible to viewers of all ages. The advert manages to do this by using scenes from movies rated '12+' these are commonly found to be enjoyable for most audiences. The character shown in the advert is a nondescript original character, it is not usually seen in their other branding, however, for the purposes of this advert it works quite well, the whole advertisement is targeted to reach a wide range of ages from all different background, by not limiting themselves to showing just one specific culture or personality enjoying the product, it does not

Lego Christmas advert

Pitch To Create A Lego Themed Christmas Advert

Pitch to create video content for Lego's Christmas Advertisement Description – The Lego Group is one of the world’s largest and industry-leading toy manufacturers; their colourful plastic sets have been entertaining and encouraging creativity within children for over 67 years. With Christmas fast approaching, they're looking to commission a short but memorable video advertisement targeting the parents and guardians their target audience. GUIDELINES Budget: £0 Age group: No Age Limit Get Involved - The Lego Group is one of the world’s largest and industry-leading toy manufacturers; their colourful plastic sets have been entertaining and encouraging creativity within children for over 67 years. With Christmas fast approaching, they're looking to commission a memorable video advertisement targeting the parents and guardians their target audience. For their 2014 campaign in Australia Lego launched a ca mpaign to encourage kids to 'Build Your Lego Chr

Academic Resolutions

Stick to deadlines Do more work in spare time Say back in class